經過十年努力,聯合國大會終於2022年7月決議通過,肯認「享有乾淨、健康和永續環境是基本人權」(A/RES/76/300);2024年4月人權理事會將「人權與環境議題獨立專家」頭銜改為「享有乾淨、健康和永續環境人權議題特別報告員」、擴大其任務,並聘任氣候家長獎學金研究員、墨西哥市氣候媽媽組織的創始人、環境法專家Ms. Astrid Puentes Riaño 擔任。
研議過程並注意到巴黎協定、聯合國人權高專辦第38號文件(Fact Sheet No.38),與聯合國大會健康環境權決議(A/RES/76/300)等意見,遂於2022年5月發布之臺灣「國家人權行動計畫」,納入包含「氣候變遷與人權」在內的八大議題,總計154項行動,以彰顯臺灣承諾願意將人權保障列入政府氣候變遷政策之決心,以及積極意願。
【A feasible way to practice the basic right to a healthy environment: Experience sharing from Taiwan】
Taiwan has the will: the National Human Rights Action Plan incorporates climate change and human rights
In response to the initiatives of domestic and foreign human rights experts, scholars, and civil society, as well as the UN’s expectation to encourage member states to formulate action plans, Taiwan's Executive Yuan began formulating the first "National Human Rights Action Plan" in 2018.
During the deliberation process, we also took note of the Paris Agreement, the OHCHR Fact Sheet No. 38, and the UN General Assembly’s resolution on the human right to a clean, healthy and sustainable environment (A/RES/76/300), and so on. In May 2022, Taiwan's "National Human Rights Action Plan" has eight major topics, with a total of 154 actions, including the charter on "Climate Change and Human Rights" to demonstrate Taiwan's determination and positive willingness to integrate human rights protection into government's climate change policy.
Equip with specific indicators and methods: phased, sectoral, and classified by reduction, adjustment, technology, and finance
The "National Human Rights Action Plan" has specific indicators and methods, which are regularly tracked and assessed by the Office of Human Rights and Transitional Justice of the Executive Yuan. In the first phase, from 2022 to 2024, various government departments will set "key performance indicators" in stages, and designate the sponsoring and co-organizing agencies. Each sponsoring agency will report in the implementation progress once a year and make publicize online as well as conduct public meeting to explain (video live broadcast, including sign language interpreter).
There are 4 major goals in the chapter on "Climate Change and Human Rights": (1) ensuring the enjoyment of right to a clean, healthy and sustainable environment; (2) ensuring a just transition for sustainability; (3) improving the development and transfer of environmentally friendly technologies system; (4) ensure the development of intergenerational equity. By doing so to incorporate the 4 major measures the UNFCCC addressed to cope with the climate change: reduction, adaptation, technology, and finance.
Under the goal of "ensuring the enjoyment of the right to a clean, healthy and sustainable environment", the plan provides two "tools" such as Guidance and Operational Manual (Actions 123 and 124) to encourage civil servants to carry out climate policy planning with human rights considerations in mind to achieve the goal of protecting the right to a healthy environment.
The following outlines the contents of the Guidance and Operational Manual. Based on the universality of human rights, this has the opportunity to form an international methodology and be implemented through National Human Rights Action Plans of various countries.
Human rights Guidance on climate change: 4 steps to chart the way
Chapters of the Guidance include: Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC) and Transparency Framework under the Paris Agreement; NDC and Human Rights Action Plan; Climate change and human rights principles (9), Indigenous Peoples and NDC; Human rights-based climate action guidance. Emphasizing that "the state has the obligation to pay attention to climate issues and realize the right to a healthy environment."
In addition to the background and description of Taiwan’s climate law and climate governance framework, the final section also details 4 specific steps to integrate human rights, which are (1) Policy review: clarify the policy background, positioning and effectiveness, and explain policy considerations; (2) Definition of environmental and social facts: sort out the facts and categories set by environmental and social-oriented policies, including local opinions; (3) Inventory of relevant laws and regulations (including international law): scan and judge different or "adjacent" domestic and foreign laws and regulations, pay attention to existing institutional arrangements; (4) Scan and identify of human rights-related matters: guide and raise the discussion of referred matters from the view of substantive and procedural human rights.
The 4 step methodology outlines the direction for implementing climate human rights and encourages policymakers to develop and refine departmental guidelines that incorporate human rights factors according to the characteristics of each department, so as to serve as the guidance and basis for individual climate policies.
Human rights Operation Manual on climate change: specific inspection items and feasible measures one by one
Chapters of the Operational Manual include: Adaptation actions that are more important than mitigation; National adaptation actions and human rights; Climate change, human rights principles and Indigenous Peoples; Climate adaptation actions based on human rights, etc., and emphasize the principles of Free, Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC) and Benefit Sharing.
The Operational Manual recommends that various departments and adaptation actors should "analyze the basic background, define priority adaptation areas, and assess vulnerability" of Taiwan's existing "National Climate Change Adaptation Plan" by expanding their awareness of "climate change and human rights sensitivity" issues. ” and other steps to scan for matters involving climate human rights; or add the discussion on climate human rights into the “adaptation field and issue selection mechanism” to integrate the human right laws into adaptation actions prior to the formation of individual adaptation actions.
In view of the diversity of climate adaptation actions, in addition to outlining 4 specific steps for integrating human rights in the final section, the Operational Manual refines the 4 steps into 31 specific inspection items by using a "checklist" with three Taiwan policy cases as examples to facilitate the users to examine respective feasible measures and help users review feasible measures one by one.
Through the checklist items and linking them with Taiwan's existing climate, domestic human rights policies and international human rights laws, we encourage the stacking of climate adaptation actions and human rights cases according to the characteristics of each government department, as an aid to the implementation of Taiwan's "National Climate Change Adaptation Plan" tool.